Skin pH

Skin and what can we say about skin? Never underestimate your skin's importance, my dear. Not only it represents your great presence.
It is also the mirror of your inside organ’s health.
Here is the list of topics we will cover
- Skin benefits
- Skin acidity What does that mean?
- The ideal skin pH
- Why should you care about skin acidity?
- The acid mantle
- Factors that affect the acidity of the skin?
- Why men's skin pH is lower than women's?
- How do you maintain the acidity of the skin at its standard rate?
- How do I choose the right product for me?
- Do different areas of the body have the same pH?
Skin benefits
The skin has many benefits.
First, It's the first defense line between our bodies and the outside world.
Second, Part of doing its job is by acidifying the skin. But the skin's pH often faces many external influences, such as pollutants, climate changes, and various chemicals that may affect its effectiveness in performing its mission. Therefore, quality skin care products should have a balanced pH.
Skin Acidity What does that mean?

What? No, honey, you shall not put heartburn treatment on your skin to neutralize its pH. The other is the acidity that comes after a meal of a cheeseburger stuffed with cheese dipped in cheese with a side dish of cheesy fries!
The acidity or the pH that we mean here is a term that shows the difference between everything acidic or alkaline. It is a scale from 0 to 14.
The middle is neutral, i.e., neither acidic like lemon nor alkaline like the heartburn treatment you will drink for your stomach acidity after that cheesy meal you ate above!
The ideal skin pH
The ideal skin pH for the face and body is between 4.7 and 5.75. It is slightly acidic because of the acidic mantle of the outer skin layer, which consists of a thin layer of water and lipids found in the skin's outer layers.
Important note: skin acidity changes according to gender or to the skin part referred to, and even changes over the life periods.
Why should you care about skin acidity?
Why should you care about skin acidity & pH as much as you cared about your stomach acidity with the sandwich a while ago?
Because when skin pH is affected and changes from its normal levels, the skin becomes vulnerable to infections and diseases such as eczema. Besides, skin loses its main advantage as a barrier to protect us.
The acid mantle
The acid mantle has the most significant effect in maintaining the skin's pH. It is equivalent to any external alkaline substances that may accidentally fall on our skin, like detergents at home. Detergents will disrupt the growth of harmful bacteria and prevent them from attacking us.
Factors that affect the acidity of the skin?
There are lots and lots of internal and external factors.
1-External factors
- Alkaline chemicals, such as those found in floor and bathroom cleaners, change the natural acidity of the skin so that we may say, frankly, they burn the skin. It would be best to wash the place of exposure to them with running water immediately after exposure.
- Changes in temperature and humidity
- Continuous hand washing, also, boiling water may strip the skin of its natural oils, causing it to dry.
- Climate change and air humidity.
- Pollution and dust
- Alkaline cosmetics.
2-Internal factors
- heredity factors
- aging factors
- Hormonal levels such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause
Why men's skin pH is lower than women's?
Men's skin pH is lower than women's as a result of the increased secretion of sebum - skin fat - in men. For infants in their first weeks of life, the pH of babies' skin is lower than that of men, even closer to alkalinity.
How do you maintain the acidity of the skin at its standard rate?
You can do this by choosing healthy lifestyles and relying on a permanent skincare routine using products that value the skin's acidity and help the skin do its job.
How do I choose the right product for me?
✓ Look for a product whose quality is guaranteed, which contributes to restoring the skin's acidity to its ideal position and contributes to the process of cell regeneration.
✓ When dealing with areas of the body such as (the face, palms, armpits, and intimate regions) with different skin pH, use the proper lotion for each site that cares about the area's proper pH.
Do different areas of the body have the same pH?
Although the composition of most of the skin on our bodies includes a skin pH between 4.7 and 5.75, there are several areas where the pH may change dramatically.
Such as
The hands are exposed to many external factors daily, which repeatedly affects the pH of the skin as a result of the weakness of its acid mantle. Then the skin becomes vulnerable to dryness and inflammation.
The skin of the armpits spends long hours without exposure to light or air, and such conditions may lead to the growth of bacteria that cause annoying odors that grow when the skin's pH decreases. This is why the pH of the armpits is usually closer to alkaline to prevent the growth of bacteria.
Intimate (genital) area:
Unlike the armpits, women's intimate area becomes more acidic than the rest of the skin, and this pH is its means of defense and protection. Because the more acidic it is and the closer it is to number 5, the healthier the area will be and free of bacteria.
In conclusion, you, ma'am, must choose the most suitable one after knowing the nature of your skin.
The more you take care of your skin and restore your natural beauty, the more your self-confidence and your spirits will improve.
Remember that the skin is the mirror of your health.
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